Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP)

Complex projects across the world. Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

The Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) is a selection of UK government projects which have high levels of complexity, impact or risk. Since 2013 a progress report has been published each year by the IPA with basic data for projects in the portfolio that year. This data has been collated and republished here as a searchable database (2023 data is partially loaded). Links to associated reviews, contracts and suppliers are under development.

Selection - all reports. Select by Year, Dept, Category, DCA or text search

Search - search on text in all reports

All annual reports - all reports showing key data for each report. Sortable & searchable

Projects showing min/max dates - all projects showing showing categories & their min/max dates

Projects showing min/max costs - all projects showing showing their min/max costs & variances

Projects by organisation - with links to projects from each organisation

Projects by year - links to projects from each annual report

Projects by category - with links to projects for each category

Reviews - Third party reviews e.g. National Audit Office or Parliamentary Committee

Data loading notes:

Currently there are 1903 reports from 652 separate projects covering years 2013-2023. Data loading for 2023 is not yet complete.
The reports are usually published in July using data from March or September in the previous year. Data for 2023-24 has not yet been published.
All data is from IPA/MPA published transparency data except 2013 which is from departmental websites or National Archives. NS&I data for 2013 is no longer available.
Project names have been standardised to allow for naming differences from year to year.
Category assignments prior to 2019 are from an FOI request to the Cabinet Office.
Some project categories have varied from year to year. Categories for 2013 are provisional as none were published for that year.
More information about the project is often available from the link to Google search on the project name.
Links to Contracts data for each project are under development.

Relevant links: (all open in a new window opens in new window)

Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA)
IPA annual Project reports for: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 - including data files
IPA blog
Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) 2013-2023
GMPP Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
Institute for Government (IfG) GMPP review - 2020 report
National Audit Office (NAO) reports on major projects
National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline 2023
Government project management policy documents
London Project Data and Analytics Meetup group
Major Projects Association - community of practice for major project related organisations
Labour plans to merge NIC and IPA into NISTA

Acknowledgement: GMPP data has been re-used under the Open Government Licence.