2021 Report details for project: 5G Testbeds and Trials

Project name 5G Testbeds and Trials - there are 4 reports for this project: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
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Organisation DCMS (D5 ) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
Category Infrastructure - see all reports for this category
Description: The 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme is the Government's nationally coordinated programme of investment in 5G. The Programme looks to harness areas where the UK has a competitive advantage - such as in scientific research, engineering talent and our rich variety of technology businesses. The Programme is exploring the benefits and challenges of deploying 5G technologies.
DCA (RAG) Amber/Green
DCA text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating decreased from Amber to Amber/Green. This is primarily due to the following factors: All 5GTT projects are now up and running, with all competitions concluded; currently 18 of the live projects reporting an A/G RAG status.-The Programme remains on track to deliver by March 2022, although risks around key roles/activities required to close the Programme in a control manner have been outlined and mitigations are being pursued, as identified in the latest IPA Gateway 0 Review. The IPA Gateway 0(B) Review of February 2021 awarded a DCA rating of Amber, giving positive feedback on progress to date and recommendations for continuing positive progress made within DCMS/across government. The Programme has completed recommendations made in the July 2019 report. Recommendations from the February 2021 report have been gathered and assigned action owners, with positiveprogress beingmade to address.
Start date 2017-02-28
End date 2022-03-31
Schedule text Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the project's end-date increased from 31 March 2021 to 31 March 2022 This is primarily due to the following factors: The Programme was granted an extension, and is scheduled to close 31 March 2022. The Programme currently remains on track to deliver and complete all projects by this date. However, it has been identified that the Programme would benefit from an extension of a further year to allow for a longer window for benefits to be realised. The team has also outlined key roles required to carry out post-project closure activities to ensure the Programme closes in a successful, controlled manner in the six month period following Programme closure if an extension were not permitted.
Baseline £44.40m
Forecast £40.30m
Variance -9.00%
Variance text: The budget variance exceeds 5%. Resource expenditure for 2020/21 was £5.8m against £5.9m budget (99% utilisation). Capital Expenditure on 5G was £33.9m against £38.5m budget. HMT requested 5G budget should also cover expenditure on Cell Broadcasting, which was £11.9 for 20/21. Cell Broadcasting expenditure was covered by a mix of 5G underspend and underspend secured elsewhere within DCMS.
Whole Life Cost £232.75m
WLCost text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost remained at £232.75m. This is primarily due to the following factors: To date, the programme has spent combined RES-del and CAP-del £107m.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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