2021 Report details for project: One Public Estate

Project name One Public Estate - there are 2 reports for this project: 2021, 2022
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Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
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Description: One Public Estate is an initiative delivered in partnership by the Cabinet Office (Office of Government Property), the Local Government Association and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. It provides practical and technical support and funding to councils, central government and other public sector partners working together to deliver ambitious property-focused programmes.
DCA (RAG) Amber/Green
DCA text: The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber/Green.This is primarily due to the following factors: OPE continues to deliver strong outputs as the programme reaches maturity, recently completing the funding process for an additional £10m for Phase 8 and the FBC being approved by HMT for Phase 9. Delivery is at a slower pace than forecast in the phase 1-7 business cases for a variety of reasons, predominantly overly optimistic early forecasts of benefits, the complexity of delivering multi partner projects across the public sector, and an inherent risk in large capital schemes. The programme has been adversely impacted by COVID, and there is a risk that some of the early forecast outputs will either not be delivered or will fall outside of the current programme timescales. However the programme team has a mature risk management processes and governance that provides confidence this is being managed. Ambitions have been realigned to match these new forecasts.
Start date 2013-04-01
End date 2023-03-31
Schedule text The project end-date is 31 March 2023. This is primarily due to the following factors: The OPE programme provides funding for early stage project works and, as such, project timeframes can range significantly. Project benefits are currently captured within a 10 year timeframe, with the most recent projects having been funded in 2021.
Baseline £10.00m
Forecast £10.00m
Variance 0.00%
Variance text: The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%.
Whole Life Cost £93.00m
WLCost text: The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £93.00m. This is primarily due to the following factors: OPE whole life costs are included to 20/21. This does not include projected staffing costs beyond 20/21 as these are subject to approval.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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