2021 Report details for project: NO2 Reduction
Project name | NO2 Reduction - there are 3 reports for this project: 2021, 2022, 2023 |
Google search | Google search on project name (opens in new window) |
Contracts | Contracts search (opens in new window) - under development |
Organisation | DEFRA (D7 ) - see all reports for this organisation |
Report year | 2021 (data is from March 2021) |
Category | Infrastructure - see all reports for this category |
Description: | The NO2 reduction programme is a joint programme with Department for Transport to deliver Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels within legal limits in the shortest time possible. The NO2 reduction programme aims to deliver the 2017 UK plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations and contributes to the Government ambition for a better environment and cleaner air. |
DCA (RAG) | Not provided |
DCA text: | Legal sensitivityaround this programme along with the impacts of COVID-19 re-prioritisation prevented the IPA from providing a completeand independentassessment. |
Start date | 2016-01-01 |
End date | 2027-12-31 |
Schedule text | The project end-date is 31 December 2027. This is primarily due to the following factors: The development of NO2 reduction plans in 2020 was impacted by COVID-19 and a number of local authorities have revised their schedules as a result. The first Clean Air Zone in Bath launched on 15 March 2021. The NO2 programme is legally mandated to deliver compliance with NO2 legal limits in the shortest time possible. The programme team works very closely with local authorities who have exceedances across England to develop and implement NO2 reduction plans. |
Baseline | £289.00m |
Forecast | £151.50m |
Variance | -48.00% |
Variance text: | The budget variance exceeds 5%. The NO2 programme is supporting Local Authorities to develop and implement measures to address NO2 roadside exceedances. Funding has been provided to Local Authorities to deliver the necessary reductions to tackle NO2 over the lifetime of the project. Due to COVID-19 there have been delays to local authority spending, resulting in an underspend. |
Whole Life Cost | £880.00m |
WLCost text: | The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £880.00m. This is primarily due to the following factors: Programme costs relate to the development of NO2 reduction plans by local authorities who have exceedances, implementation of NO2 reduction plans, project costs for the central Clean Air Zone service, and modelling, monitoring and evaluation. |
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Sourcefile | IPA_2021.csv |
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