2021 Report details for project: Print Reprocurement

Project name Print Reprocurement - there are 2 reports for this project: 2021, 2022
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Organisation MOJ (D18) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
Category ICT - see all reports for this category
Description: This project is renewing the department's print contract; establishing an open framework competition to ensure value for money and the delivery of a high-quality service. The new Print contract will deliver an improved contract and new devices across the MoJ estate
DCA (RAG) Green
DCA text: The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Green.This is primarily due to the following factors: Project is on schedule, within budget and fully resourced.
Start date 2019-02-01
End date 2023-02-27
Schedule text The project end-date is 27 February 2023. This is primarily due to the following factors: The project is on currently on schedule this quarter and will be reviewed with the new supplier post contract award.
Baseline £1.13m
Forecast £0.44m
Variance -61.00%
Variance text: The budget variance exceeds 5%. The variance to in-year spend is due to slippage of some planned activity, though overall delivery timetables remain on track.
Whole Life Cost £70.99m
WLCost text: The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £70.99m. This is primarily due to the following factors: Whole life costs include the expected costs of service costs across the MoJ over 7 years. Project costs and other one off costs (covering new print devices, transition and decommissioning costs, staffing, and legal fees) are also included.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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