2021 Report details for project: Protect Connect
Project name | Protect Connect - there are 3 reports for this project: 2021, 2022, 2023 |
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Organisation | HMRC (D25) - see all reports for this organisation |
Report year | 2021 (data is from March 2021) |
Category | Transformation - see all reports for this category |
Description: | The Protect Connect Programme aims to safeguard the operation of HMRC's most critical repayment risking services, future-proofing them by hosting them in the Cloud and laying the essential foundation for development of future strategic risking capabilities. This aligns both the HMRC Compliance and IT strategies, enhancing the understanding of customers and developing increased insight using a single data and analytics platform. |
DCA (RAG) | Amber/Red |
DCA text: | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber/red.This is primarily due to the following factors: The Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating for Protect Connect Programme is Amber/Red following internal approval of the revised business case which has recently been approved by Treasury and Cabinet Office. The IT build part of the Programme is on track to complete as planned; and all key technical milestones due in the last quarter have been delivered to schedule. A key risk to the programme is the high volume of changes which mostly relate to data feeds the system ingests. Consequently work is underway to manage any impact on the schedule or budget such as agreeing the scope of a minimum viable product and seeking to increase the productivity of development teams to ensure timely delivery of the programme. |
Start date | 2019-04-25 |
End date | 2022-05-31 |
Schedule text | The project end-date is 31 May 2022. This is primarily due to the following factors: Approaching the end of Q4 2020/21, the Protect Connect Programme is currently on schedule. The Programme Plan was refined in Q3 and informed a revised business case with respective funding and spend approvals confirmed. This quarter has seen good progress on build activities, alongside implementation of delivery operating model improvements informed by an external review. These include new delivery roles (e.g. product owners and independent technical assurance) and wider adoption of agile principles, leading to increased collaboration across all teams including our third-party technology suppliers. The main risk to the schedule relates to ongoing changes to data feeds, impacting our Self-Assessment (SA) and Value-Added Tax (VAT) risking processes. The Programme is implementing a plan to mitigate risk which includes developing the scope of a minimum viable product and increasing the productivity of development teams. |
Baseline | £28.95m |
Forecast | £26.25m |
Variance | -9.00% |
Variance text: | The budget variance exceeds 5%. The underspend is the result of the deferring some programme activities which had more flexibility in their delivery timescale in order to reduce funding pressures in 20/21 and slower than expected ramp-up of some contractor resources (Programme Management Office), plus some re-planning to accommodate key changes required for the effective delivery of the programme. We now have further confidence in our estimates and have therefore been able to manage some of the risk out of our forecasts. |
Whole Life Cost | £105.36m |
WLCost text: | The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £105.36m. This is primarily due to the following factors: The result of the spend activity in year on our Whole Life Costs are likely to lead to only a very slight reduction in overall forecast. The Programme is still progressing towards delivery assumptions consistent with the latest Business Case position. 21/22 is a key period for the Programme as this is projected to be the final year in development, going live in Quarter 4. Therefore, all main build and associated one-off investment activity is currently contained within that year, although the Programme team is considering options for a more phased approach to go live which might reprofile some 21/22 expenditure in 22/23. The remainder of the whole-life appraisal period will cover the future support costs post go-live and Commercial discussions in this area are ongoing. |
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Sourcefile | IPA_2021.csv |
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