2021 Report details for project: Pensions Dashboard Programme
Project name | Pensions Dashboard Programme - there are 3 reports for this project: 2021, 2022, 2023 |
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Organisation | DWP (D10 ) - see all reports for this organisation |
Report year | 2021 (data is from March 2021) |
Category | ICT - see all reports for this category |
Description: | Pensions dashboards will enable individuals to access their pensions information online, securely and all in one place, thereby supporting better planning for retirement and growing financial wellbeing. Dashboards will provide clear and simple information about an individual's multiple pension savings, including their State Pension. They will also help them to reconnect with any lost pots. The Pensions Dashboards Programme has been established to design and implement the infrastructure that will make pensions dashboards work, and the governance framework to support its operation. |
DCA (RAG) | Amber |
DCA text: | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber.This is primarily due to the following factors: The Amber rating reflects the balance of progress made to date and the levels of risk being carried. We have successfully delivered the first iteration of data standards, significant progress to commencing two large procurement exercises and supported DWP in the passing of the Pensions Schemes Act 2021, all significant milestones. We recognise the complexities involved in designing and delivering a service that will work for consumers whilst minimising the burden on the industry. We are working with our public sector and industry delivery partners to continuously improve our working practices, to identify dependencies and manage risks. Successful stakeholder communications channels and engagement strategies will be critical to meeting these challenges over the year ahead. |
Start date | 2019-04-01 |
End date | 2025-03-31 |
Schedule text | The project end-date is 31 March 2025. This is primarily due to the following factors: Programme planning assumptions remain consistent with those contained in our Programme Update Report, published on the Pensions Dashboard Programme website in October 2020. This shows the Programme moving from set-up and planning to the development stage this year, in preparation for testing and voluntary onboarding next year. The two procurement exercises we are conducting this summer are critical to our timeline. Both remain on course and we are closely monitoring their progress at monthly Board meetings. Programme plans are reviewed each month by the Board. We remain on track to begin onboarding schemes from 2022 with dashboards available from 2023. A transition plan for steady state will start next year with Programme closedown scheduled for March 2025. |
Baseline | £4.66m |
Forecast | £4.66m |
Variance | 0.00% |
Variance text: | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. |
Whole Life Cost | £0.00m |
WLCost text: | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. |
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Sourcefile | IPA_2021.csv |
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