2021 Report details for project: National Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) Service Development Programme

Project name National Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) Service Development Programme - there are 8 reports for this project: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
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Organisation DHSC (D12 ) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
Category Transformation - see all reports for this category
Description: Develop two NHS Proton Beam Therapy centres to treat patients for whom evidence supports proton therapy as the most clinically effective treatment.
DCA (RAG) Green
DCA text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating decreased from Amber/Red to Green. This is primarily due to the following factors: Service Development at The Christie: The Service development at The Christie (TCFT) continues to progress well, while managing challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. TCFT staff are still receiving COVID-19 vaccinations. The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) completed a Gateway 5 review at TCFT, during wc 18th January 2021. The IPA review team provided very positive feedback and gave the service at TCFT a delivery confidence rating of "Green". UCLH Build: The build continues to progress within budget, while mitigating continuing issues caused by COVID-19 where possible. The project has been impacted by COVID-19 related issues, such as staff isolation. However, social distancing measures remain in place and staff vaccination continues.
Start date 2012-01-01
End date 2018-05-30
Schedule text Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the project's end-date remained scheduled to finish on 30 May 2018 This is primarily due to the following factors: The Programme End Date has been extended due to the challenges at UCLH caused by a number of inter-related issues, arising from the concurrent running of the construction and equipment installation programmes. The UCLH programme plan has adapted to manage any challenges that emerged during construction and installation. The build continues to progress within budget, while mitigating ongoing issues and further delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Baseline £45.82m
Forecast £46.06m
Variance 1.00%
Variance text: The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%.
Whole Life Cost £1,247.24m
WLCost text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost remained at £1247.24m. This is primarily due to the following factors: The forecast costs for the programme are £1,264.6m compared to £1,269.9m. We now have two years of actuals from The Christie and these costs are marginally less than forecast.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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