2021 Report details for project: A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet

Project name A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet - there are 5 reports for this project: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
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Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
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Description: The scheme provides a new off-line two lane dual carriageway between Black Cat roundabout on the A1 in Bedfordshire and Caxton Gibbet roundabout on the A428 in Cambridgeshire.
DCA (RAG) Amber/Green
DCA text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating remained at Amber/Green. This is primarily due to the following factors: With the projects submission and acceptance of the Development Consent Order (DCO), and now working with the Delivery Integration Partners under the Regional Delivery Partnership Framework (RDP) contract, the project can further develop it's delivery schedule. This will in turn inform the development of the Full Business Case.
Start date 2015-04-01
End date 2025-04-01
Schedule text Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the project's end-date remained scheduled to finish on 01 April 2025 This is primarily due to the following factors: The A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet Improvement project is currently in the development phase. Statutory Consultation (Jun-Jul 2019) and a supplementary non-statutory consultation (Jun-Jul 2020) have been completed, and the Development Consent Order (DCO) submission was made at the end of February 2021. The DCO Acceptance was received on 24 March 2021. A detailed DCO examination timetable will be issued by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) in Q1 2021/22. The examination timetable will be incorporated into a formal re-baselining later in the summer (Q2 2021/22). The formal re-baselining will provide an update to both the Open for Traffic date and the project end date. There continues to be strong stakeholder support and interest for this project demonstrated by the results from Statutory Consultation and from feedback received at the events themselves. Subsequent engagements via community forums and technical working groups continues to demonstrate support for the project.
Baseline £25.00m
Forecast £25.00m
Variance 0.00%
Variance text: The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. The project was required to carry out additional consultation ahead of progressing to the Development Consent Order process. The budget variance was due to a delay in completion of the preliminary design stage required to accommodate the results of the additional consultation.
Whole Life Cost £812.50m
WLCost text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost increased from £809.98m to £812.50m. This is primarily due to the following factors: The Budget Whole Life Cost has followed a central estimate which matures throughout the scheme budget setting process and continues to mature whilst we execute contracts with our delivery partners. Throughout the Development Consent Order process and Detailed Design stage the central estimate will continue to be developed and the forecast costs for construction will be assured further. These changes include changes in non recoverable VAT assessment. A revised Central Estimate will feed into the Full Business Case and account for all project costs and risks.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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