2021 Report details for project: Hera Programme

Project name Hera Programme - there are 3 reports for this project: 2021, 2022, 2023
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Organisation FCDO (D13 ) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
Category ICT - see all reports for this category
Description: The Hera programme is a newly established programme to deliver a single integrated Finance and HR system (using the Oracle Cloud platform) for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office following the merger of DFID and the FCO. It builds on the former Atlas programme in the FCO, but has been substantially reshaped to incorporate former work from DFID and to meet FCDO requirements. Hera is an essential part of a wider FCDO Transformation Programme and will enable the new department's finances and structures to be fully integrated in line with Ministers' objectives. Hera will also help deliver government strategy for providing shared services in the UK and overseas for Partners across Government.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating decreased from Amber/Red to Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors: The creation of Hera following the merger to form the FCDO has inevitably widened the scope and lengthened the timeline compared to the previous Atlas programme in the FCO. However, the programme has made significant progress. There is a fully approved business case and - despite the challenges of remote working this year - the Hera programme has kept up momentum in configuring and building the new system, and in managing the interdependencies with the wider FCDO Transformation Programme. As flagged by an IPA gateway review in January 2021 and a follow-up independent review in April, this is a complex and inherently challenging programme, especially at a time of wider organisational restructuring and transformation. The next few months will be a crucial phase of implementation. This balance of positive progress and risk/challenge is reflected in the Amber rating.
Start date 2016-05-01
End date 2022-10-31
Schedule text Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the project's end-date increased from 31 October 2021 to 31 October 2022 This is primarily due to the following factors: The scheduled end date for the Hera programme is October 2022; the creation of FCDO from the former FCO and DFiD increased the scope and timeline compared to the previous Atlas programme. The programme has updated its release schedule accordingly, and is currently on track against its baselined plans for delivering the first implementation in 2021 as planned, with further functionality to be rolled out in phases accross 2022.
Baseline £30.23m
Forecast £27.87m
Variance -8.00%
Variance text: The budget variance exceeds 5%. The reformed Programme in year business case budget and forecast, were revised in light of the merger changes to reflect the revised programme scope in January 2021
Whole Life Cost £101.77m
WLCost text: Compared to financial year 19/20-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost increased from £93.83m to £101.77m. This is primarily due to the following factors: Changes to the Programme resulting from the revised scope and timetable following the merger have resulted in a revision of costs from the previous FCO Atlas Outline Business Case to the FCDO Hera Full Business Case. The programme undertook detailed analysis and options appraisal following the merger announcement. The result of that was to extend the implementation timeline to October 2022, with whole-life costs over 10 years of £101.8m (of which the forecast implementation costs are £58.2m).
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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