2021 Report details for project: Schools Commercial

Project name Schools Commercial - there are 3 reports for this project: 2021, 2022, 2023
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Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
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Description: The Programme is one of several programmes operating within the Department for Education, designed to support schools in achieving value for money. The Schools Commercial Strategy is designed to support schools to achieve value for money on their non-staff spend and change the behaviours of those in scope to become more proactive in reviewing their spend and methods in which they can reduce it. The programme aims to save schools £2,673.88m at a cost to the department of £157.9m (inc VAT) over the next 10 yrs.
DCA (RAG) Amber/Red
DCA text: The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber/red.This is primarily due to the following factors: Delivery confidence remains Amber/Red, due to ongoing recruitment activity, leading to delivery challenges for projects requiring volume of specialist resource - GHBS, Energy and Schools Water Strategy (time and effort being diverted away from project delivery to recruit the right resources). We are continuing to deliver key priorities across all projects with SWS OBC and refreshed PBC approved via InvestCo, GHBS consultation now complete & will be considered in relation to the MVS and a response published (feedback has been overwhelmingly positive). The Energy project continues to define and confirm its scope, & 3 new Catering Frameworks are awaiting approval to go live. RPA Motor continues discussions with DfT on available routes for a statutory change to enable delivery. The RPA Cyber Pilot is on track to launch. Important to note that GMPP Q4 reporting is submitted on 11 months performance data as annual trajectory achievement data available as of 27.04.21.
Start date 2020-04-01
End date 2025-03-31
Schedule text The project end-date is 31 March 2025. This is primarily due to the following factors: Programme schedule remains on track and is reviewed at monthly Programme Board meetings, chaired by the SRO.
Baseline £17.76m
Forecast £15.26m
Variance -14.00%
Variance text: The budget variance exceeds 5%. Since Q3 significant work has been undertaken to developed the service offer and operating model leading to a refinement of costs reported in last quarter's submission. As ways of working and service offerings evolve it is likely there will be further variances, delivering reduced costs and improved value for money. The Capital forecasts this quarter are based on a SR bid of £100m over 4 years, this is yet to be confirmed. The RDEL costs recorded span between 2020/21 and 2029/30 financial years.
Whole Life Cost £154.15m
WLCost text: The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £154.15m. This is primarily due to the following factors: WLC encompass the live and anticipated projects being undertaken in the programme. It should be noted that, due to the 'test and learn' nature of the programme, this may lead to amendments to the forecast Whole Life Cost. The figures provided have been rounded to the nearest 1,000,000 and VAT (20%) has been included on all costs, not including permanent staff. VAT recovery will be considered on a case by case basis as work progresses. All Admin staff costs are inclusive of Travel and Subsistence, Technology, Recruitment and Learning and Development allowances. RPA BAU are netted off from the costs provided. RPA is the only element of Schools Commercial with programme spend. Under RPA arrangements, we net off the income for the expenditure. The figures for the RPA do not represent the impact of Covid-19. Capital costs and forecasts have been provided separately.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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