2021 Report details for project: Green Homes Grant: Local Authority Delivery (LAD)

Project name Green Homes Grant: Local Authority Delivery (LAD) - there are 3 reports for this project: 2021, 2022, 2023
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Organisation BEIS (D1198) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2021 (data is from March 2021)
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Description: BEIS has administered £500m funding to Local Authorities in England to support energy improvements to the worst quality homes by installing energy efficiency measures and low carbon heating.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber.This is primarily due to the following factors: The delivery confidence status is Amber for the Local Authority Delivery (LAD) project. LAD is a £500m project made up of two phases (Phase 1a/1b, and Phase 2), supporting Local Authorities to help low-income households in England by making their homes more energy efficient. Delivery is in progress for all phases by Local Authorities (Phase 1a/b) and through Local Energy Hubs (Phase 2). LAD has been delivering alongside Covid-19 restrictions which for some LA led projects has made work more difficult as householders have been reluctant to have work done in their homes. Impacts of EU exit has impacted some of the supply chain across materials and installers.
Start date 2020-03-01
End date 2022-03-31
Schedule text The project end-date is 31 March 2022. This is primarily due to the following factors: There has been no change to the forecast or baseline end date.
Baseline £502.20m
Forecast £504.76m
Variance 1.00%
Variance text: The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. The budget variance is less than 5%
Whole Life Cost £505.20m
WLCost text: The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £505.20m. This is primarily due to the following factors: The Whole life cost will be used to fund Local Authorities via Section 31 of the Local Government Act of 2003.
Sourcefile IPA_2021.csv

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