2020 Report details for project: Thameslink Programme
Project name | Thameslink Programme - there are 9 reports for this project: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 |
Google search | Google search on project name (opens in new window) |
Contracts | Contracts search (opens in new window) - under development |
Organisation | DFT (D9) - see all reports for this organisation |
Report year | 2020 (data is from September 2019) |
Category | Infrastructure - see all reports for this category |
Description: | A significantly enhanced high-frequency rail service which will increase rail-based capacity in London and across the wider South East and provide new journey opportunities. |
DCA (RAG) | Amber |
DCA text: | The IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) was Amber, which has not changed since last year's Q2 1819 Amber, due primarily to the following factors; - The Network Rail infrastructure required to deliver the 22 trains per hour service has been delivered withthe exception of relatively minorsnagging works that do not impede an increase in timetabled operations and whichare due to be completed by the end of 2020. - The Class 700 Thameslink train fleet has received updated software which will enable the operation of the Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system which will help offset the performance impacts of operating higher frequency services. - The timing of the 22tph Thameslink service increase has been delayed to enable resolution of the ATO software (now resolved) and the subsequent commencement of driver training. The impact of COVID-19 will delay driver training until asafe method can be developed and agreed by the industry. COVID-19 delays will be captured through a wider timetable strategy. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber IPA DCA, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Due to COVID-19, timetable step- ups will have to be reviewed. Industry stakeholders are working collaboratively to plan the new timescales. - Due to COVID-19 and public health guidelines, a way forward needs to be agreed on how drivers can be trained and 2m distance cannot be kept while in the cab. This needs to be agreed with GTR and the unions. |
Start date | 2005-07-01 |
End date | 2026-12-31 |
Schedule text | The scheduled baseline project end date at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is 31/12/26, has not changed since last year's Q2 1819 date of 31/12/26, due primarily to the following factors; - The assumptions about completion of the project did not change during this period. The Network Rail infrastructure required to deliver the end state Thameslink service has all been delivered, with the exception of some snagging works that are due to be completed by the end of 2020. These works will have no impact on operations or the wider programme. - Currently all Class 700 units have the up to date software required to enable automatic train operation which is needed for end state TLP delivery. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 31/12/26, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - The project is currently reviewing requirements for a system to support high capacity services for the operation of the Thameslink end state timetable across 4 rail networks in the south east. Work is being undertaken to refine the scope and delivery plans to enable further step-ups in Thameslink services. The end date of December 2026 remains valid for delivery of the planned operational benefits. - All other infrastructure and rolling stock required have already been delivered or will be in place by this date. |
Baseline | £84.10m |
Forecast | £169.20m |
Variance | 1.01% |
Variance text: | The 19/20 in-year baseline / forecast variance at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) of 101%, is due primarily to the following factors; - There has been an increase in infrastructure costs, which have required further funds to be allocated, this increase is mainly down to cable troughing at London Bridge and slippage to closing down the Network Rail Programme. - There has also been slippage in the close down of the Network Rail due to closing down the Network Rail Programme. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) 19/20 in-year baseline / forecast variance of 101%, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 19/20 in-year variance; - Additional London Bridge cable troughing works were required which required additional funds to be allocated for 2020/21 and 2021/22. The overall cost remained the same as a result of release of contingency. - Development of the planned Thameslink traffic management system has taken longer than anticipated and required a reallocation from 2019/20 to 2020/21 and 2021/22. |
Whole Life Cost | £7,269.40m |
WLCost text: | The baseline Whole Life Cost at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is £7,269.40m, has not changed since last year's Q2 1819 (£m) baseline Whole Life Cost of £7,269.40m, due primarily to the following factors; - The costs have not changed as there has not been overall costs increases and the programme has kept to budget. - This is mainly down to the fact that the vast majority of infrastructure has been delivered Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) £7,269.40m baseline Whole Life Cost, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 baseline Whole Life Cost; - The costs have not changed as there has not been overall costs increases and the programme has kept to budget. - This is mainly down to the fact that the vast majority of Infrastructure has been delivered |
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Sourcefile | IPA_2020.csv |
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