2020 Report details for project: 5G Testbeds and Trials

Project name 5G Testbeds and Trials - there are 4 reports for this project: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
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Report year 2020 (data is from September 2019)
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Description: To foster, build and lead the development of the UK's 5G ecosystem.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: The IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) was Amber, which has improved since last year's Q2 1819 Amber/Red, due primarily to the following factors; - The programme was deemed to have matured and moved to the point at which it was ready to oversee the launch of competitions. The challenge remaining is to maximise the opportunities for learning and innovation in use cases by initiating contracts/project starting swiftly. - Knowledge management and sharing underway, with industry support for the programme high. Innovative market intervention deemed by IPA as being appropriate and beneficial. The programme is delivering against its core objectives. Key factors driving Amber DCA included; pace of project initiation; uncertainty re. level of response to competitions to be launched; uncertainty re. provision of match funding. - Industrial 5G and Rural Connected Communities competitions now completed, with winners announced. 5G Create competition also agreed by Minister/SoS. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber IPA DCA, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Impact of Purdah on the programme was significant; delays to project launches and competition launches experienced. Contract and commercial activity ceased for a number of weeks over November/December. - The impacts of COVID-19 on the programme and its projects timelines, scope of work, and budgets is being regularly assessed and mitigations being put in place. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber IPA DCA, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Competitions successfully launched for both Rural Connected Communities (RCC) and Industrial (previously Sectors). Agreement received from Minister for Digital and Broadband to initiate 5G Create, encouraging projects across a range of sectors including the creative industry - announced by SOS in December 2019.
Start date 2017-02-28
End date 2021-03-31
Schedule text The scheduled baseline project end date at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is 31/03/22, has changed since last year's Q2 1819 date of 31/03/2021, due primarily to the following factors; - The programme has been extended until 31 March 2022 - funding has been confirmed by HM Treasury and Business Case updated. This will allow for further trial time for the projects. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 31/03/2022, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - Programme end date of 2022 allowing for further benefits realisation within the Programme life cycle. This can help to provide a more informed decision for any further Government involvement in 5G activity/development. - The impacts of COVID-19 on the programme and its projects timelines, scope of work, and budgets is being regularly assessed and mitigations being put in place. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 31/03/2022, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - Programme extended to allow further time for project trials. Slower initiation than anticipated has been a trend across the majority of projects; in some cases, this is due to equipment availability/cost savings.
Baseline £67.40m
Forecast £37.70m
Variance -0.44%
Variance text: The 19/20 in-year baseline / forecast variance at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) of -44%, is due primarily to the following factors; - Delays experienced in initiating projects; Purdah delayed project initiation for Rural Connected Communities and Industrial 5G due to being unable to engage in any commercial activity. - WM5G - project has underspent (slippages in timescales). - Security - initiation of the Security project has been delayed significantly, and the project has not spent against forecast. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) 19/20 in-year baseline / forecast variance of -44%, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 19/20 in-year baseline / forecast variance; - Purdah - inability to progress announcements/commercial has moved timelines back, resulting in a spend that is lower than forecasted. - The impacts of COVID-19 on the programme and its projects timelines, scope of work, and budgets is being regularly assessed and mitigations being put in place Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) 19/20 in-year baseline / forecast variance of -44%, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 19/20 in-year variance; - WM5G - project has underspent (slippages in timescales). - Security - initiation of the Security project has been delayed significantly, and the project has not spent against forecast.
Whole Life Cost £232.75m
WLCost text: The baseline Whole Life Cost at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is £204.50m, has decreased by £12.55m since last year's Q2 1819 (£m) baseline Whole Life Cost of £217.05m, due primarily to the following factors; - The programme is spending less than anticipated this financial year for several reasons, including slower decision making due to the timing of elections and other political events has delayed the start of projects. - A number of projects are underspending against forecast, including WM5G and Security (which was slower to initiate that anticipated). Phase 1 project also underspent. Industrial 5G had a lower uptake than anticipated, but it is expected that the funds will be absorbed by 5G Create. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is £204.50m baseline Whole Life Cost, the following primary project actions have impacted the original baseline Q2 Whole Life Cost; - Slower initiation of projects and lower than anticipated spend (i.e. Security project has underspent and has been delayed in initiation; Industrial 5G did not have anticipated uptake).
Notes1: None
Sourcefile IPA_2020.csv

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