2019 Report details for project: DEFRA UNITY Programme
Project name | DEFRA UNITY Programme - there are 5 reports for this project: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 |
Google search | Google search on project name (opens in new window) |
Contracts | Contracts search (opens in new window) - under development |
Organisation | DEFRA (D7) - see all reports for this organisation |
Report year | 2019 (data is from September 2018) |
Category | ICT - see all reports for this category |
Description: | UnITy is a multi-year programme to replace ICT services. UnITy will not only update the technology Defra group has access to but also replace the services we receive with a multi-supplier model resulting in more flexible contracts, increasingly modern ICT and financial savings by 2020/21. New services will be common across core Defra, Environment Agency, Rural Payments Agency, Natural England, Marine Management Organisation and the Animal and Plant Health Agency |
DCA (RAG) | Amber |
DCA text: | The programme remains at Amber status for delivery confidence based on the success to date, this is supported by the programme governance and reviews. There remains significant risks to the programme due to the inherently complex nature of implementing into a multi supplier environment, compounded by other departmental change programmes and EU Exit considerations. |
Start date | 2014-11-01 |
End date | 2020-04-30 |
Schedule text | The high level plan for UnITy continues to make significant progress with successfully completing all key service procurements to schedule. In Q2 the programme entered into Implementation phase on all of its service contracts with focus on ensuring technical integration between all services and suppliers happens as smoothly as possible. Since Q2 all services have transitioned on schedule to new suppliers with focus moving to service transformation plnanning and deployment. |
Baseline | £121.20m |
Forecast | £159.00m |
Variance | 31.00% |
Variance text: | Variance reflects the latest profile of Programme Run & Investment costs. In the PBC (baseline) the programme was due to finish in 2018/19 , however to ensure that the financial and non-financial benefits of the programme are delivered after the completion of the procurement phases it will now remain as a dedicated Programme throughout its implementation phase until April 2020. The above variance reflects the reprofiling of costs with current forecast showing significant investment costs in 2018/19, related to remaning a dedicated programme i.e (Resource (people) costs and New Supplier Implementation Costs) whereas the PBC (baseline) showed investment costs significantly tailing off in 2018/19. In summary the programme was re profiled and costs aligned to revised programme plan |
Whole Life Cost | £1,048.40m |
WLCost text: | In total the whole life costs of the programme have not materially changed. Year in Year phasing of costs have been reprofiled resulting in the main variance for 2018/19. Also the programme remains on track to deliver above original savings forecast. |
Notes2: | |
Sourcefile | IPA_2019.csv |
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