2018 Report details for project: DEFRA UNITY Programme

Project name DEFRA UNITY Programme - there are 5 reports for this project: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
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Organisation DEFRA (D7) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2018 (data is from September 2017)
Category ICT - see all reports for this category
Description: The Defra UnITy Programme has been established to exploit the opportunity presented from the expiry of its two largest ICT contracts. The programme will run until 10/2018 to develop a delivery mechanism leveraging good outcomes in a multi vendor environment. Since aspects of implementation and transition will still be ongoing at that stage, Defra will consider whether to extend programme with a smaller defined scope or to manage via BAU teams.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: The improved Amber rating reflects the increased level of confidence in the Programme's delivery, whilst taking into account the complexities and level of activity that remains in a challenging environment.
Start date 2014-11-01
End date 2018-10-31
Schedule text The high level plan for UNITY continues to make significant progress towards the replacement of services in line with current incumbent contract end dates, and takes into consideration wider Departmental initiatives such as EU Exit.
Baseline £197.60m
Forecast £162.60m
Variance -18.00%
Variance text: Variance primarily as a result of discounts realised from negotiated incumbent savings.
Whole Life Cost £1,048.40m
WLCost text: The programme remains on track to better the original savings forecast.
Sourcefile IPA_2018.csv

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