2017 Report details for project: CAP Delivery Programme

Project name CAP Delivery Programme - there are 5 reports for this project: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
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Report year 2017 (data is from September 2016)
Category Transformation - see all reports for this category
Description: The primary objective of the Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme is to procure a solution for the processing, payment and accounting of claims for funding from all schemes as part of CAP2013.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: The Amber rating at 30th September 2016 reflected good progress towards meeting Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) targets and in processing Countryside Stewardship (CS) applications, but also took into account the requirement for additional system releases to be made later in the year and the risk in delivering these. Details of delivery to date are: Although the deadline for making 95.238% of payments funded by the EU to BPS customers for the 2015 scheme year was extended by the European Commission, this target was actually achieved by the original deadline of 30th June 2016. At the end of Q2, full payment had been made to 99.5% of BPS2015 customers totalling £1.38bn, and by the extended deadline of 15th October, only a small number were still to be paid, which were largely probate cases, fraud cases, and those with missing bank account details. Processing of BPS 2016 claims was well under way at the end of Q2 and a public commitment to pay 90% of claims by the end of December 2016 was met, and the further commitment to pay 93% of claims by the end of March 2017 was exceeded. The application window for 2017 CS Mid-Tier agreements closed on 30th September, at which point 3770 applications had been received, in addition to 954 applications for Higher Tier agreements. Delivery of the majority of Minimum Viable Service capability for CS continued through six system releases during the quarter. Further releases were scheduled for Q3 to deploy the remaining in-scope MVS and MCS functionality, supporting on-system processing of CS applications that began on 1st January 2017. These releases were the largest deployments of CS functionality to date and carried significant risks in fully testing and deploying against a challenging schedule.
Start date 2011-01-01
End date 2017-03-31
Schedule text The Programme remained on schedule and formally closed on 31 March 2017, having developed nearly all the functionality required for the Minimum Viable Service and the Minimum Credible Service, the remainder of which will be delivered through business as usual activities.
Baseline £13.14m
Forecast £24.60m
Variance 87.00%
Variance text: The budget variance at Q2 2016/17 was primarily due to slippage of development spend from 2015/16 into 2016/17 and the delays in that development requiring the extension of people and environments into 2016/17. This has not resulted in an increased overall cost and the programme is still forecasting to deliver with the agreed baseline. The delayed development was completed by the end of September 2016 and became functional through three more releases in the subsequent months. The first business as usual release was deployed in February 2017.
Whole Life Cost £215.88m
WLCost text: The Whole Life Cost baseline is as per the Full Business Case approved by HMT in April 2016. The costs include £109.62m capital spend up to and including 2016/17 and £106.26m revenue spend up to and including 2022/23.
Sourcefile IPA_2017.csv

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