2016 Report details for project: A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme

Project name A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme - there are 7 reports for this project: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
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Organisation DFT (D9) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2016 (data is from September 2015)
Category Infrastructure - see all reports for this category
Description: The A14 trunk road provides a vital road transport corridor between West Midlands and East Anglia and is of local, regional, national and international significance. The improvement scheme will: • combat congestion, making the A14 more reliable and providing capacity for growth; • unlock economic growth, both regionally and nationally; • improve local connectivity and local network for all users; • improve safety for road users and community; • recognise the wider benefits of road investment and leave a positive legacy.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: Highways England’s intention is for the A14 to be an exemplar for commercial and procurement best practice in the delivery of major projects. The strategy for delivery has centred on the Collaborative Delivery Framework (CDF) which centres upon the core belief of Highways England that significantly better value can be achieved through its supply chain with greater collaboration and engagement. The Integrated Delivery Team has been formed to enable collaboration between the various partners in the design and construction process along with Highways England. The partners are incentivised to drive down costs and to deliver early. Incentives have been set at a project wide level so that the performance of the A14 scheme, and its completion as a whole, will determine the level of incentive payments. Successful delivery is forecast with the constant monitoring of programme, budget, spend and management of key risks to delivery. All critical delivery areas have dedicated leaders and are appropriately resourced. A key risk to achieving the start of works commitment is legal challenge to the Development Consent Order outcome. The team has worked hard to implement a robust mitigation strategy to counter such an occurrence as far as possible. A risk management process is in place with an identified mitigation/escalation process.
Start date 2012-09-01
End date 2021-09-30
Schedule text The Development Consent Order (DCO) application was submitted on 31 December 2014 followed by a six month examination period which ended on 13 November 2015. The Examining Authority is currently preparing its recommendations which will be submitted to the Secretary of State no later than February 2016. It is expected that a decision will be announced by the Secretary of State on or before May 2016. The project is on track to commence construction works at the earliest opportunity following a positive DCO decision with the scheme open for traffic by the end of 2020, as indicated in the Roads Investment Strategy Delivery Plan. For the Delivery Plan to be met, Highways England Board approved the award of the detailed design package and three construction packages for the scheme under Highways England’s Collaborative Delivery Framework Lot 3B to progress detailed design and pre-construction activities ahead of the DCO announcement. HMT approved funds in order to undertake early enabling works and secure long lead time materials for statutory undertakings. These works are ongoing. Final Business Case approval and full construction funding will be progressed for approval in June/July 2016. Full award of the construction contracts will take place once funding and DCO approvals have been granted.
Baseline £40.10m
Forecast £41.73m
Variance None%
Variance text: Budget variance less than 5%.
Whole Life Cost £1,519.32m
WLCost text: The latest agreed forecast outturn estimate of £1.487bn is below the current Whole Life Cost Budget. A refined estimate is currently being produced by the project team which will be included in the final business case.
Notes1: Budget variance less than 5%.
Sourcefile IPA_2016.csv

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