2015 Report details for project: Transforming Youth Custody

Project name Transforming Youth Custody - there are 2 reports for this project: 2014, 2015
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Organisation MOJ (D18) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2015 (data is from September 2014)
Category Transformation - see all reports for this category
Description: The aim of the Transforming Youth Custody Programme is to deliver a new approach to youth custody through development of a new delivery model which: • Focuses on education; • Seeks to reduce reoffending; • Improves resettlement; and • Improves value for money. The objectives are: • To deliver a Secure College Pathfinder by Autumn 2017. • To reform current provision of youth custody: - Change the regime in Young Offender Institutions (YOIs) to enable a significant increase in the number of hours and quality of education provided and improve mental health and criminogenic interventions, - Retender provision in Secure Training Centres (STCs) to maintain capacity and capability while testing the Secure College pathfinder, - Improve the resettlement of young offenders through establishing Strategic Resettlement Consortia which bring together partners from the custodial estate, Youth Offending Teams, local authorities and the community to support young offenders on release and establish Regional Employment Forums (the Turnaround to Work initiative).
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: The Delivery Confidence rating reflects the good progress across the programme, with all key milestones delivered to time and quality but with some projects at key stages of complex procurements. This stretch on capacity created inherent risks requiring active management to ensure delivery. On 15 December 2014, new education contracts were awarded in Young Offender Institutions (YOIs), with a focus on increasing and improving the quality of education delivered. The new service began on 1 March 2015 with 15 hours of education delivered per learner per week. The aim is to double this by the end of August 2015. Final bids for Secured Training Centre (STCs) were received in February 2015. These bids are now in the final stages of evaluation.
Start date 2012-11-05
End date 2018-07-15
Schedule text The programme is delivering to schedule. In addition to the progress on procurements for improved services, four Regional Resettlement Consortia were launched in November 2014, alongside an innovative partnership with employers to provide work placement on-release (the Turnaround to Work initiative). The programme is now focused on • Successful mobilisation of the new YOI Education Provision alongside wider improvements to the operation of YOIs , • Finalising arrangements to build the Secure College Pathfinder and to run a competition for the operator.
Baseline £17.60m
Forecast £17.60m
Variance 0.00%
Variance text: Data not provided by department
Whole Life Cost £3,466.30m
WLCost text: The Whole Life Costs at Q2 2014/15 include: i) the design and build of the Secure College Pathfinder, and 60 years of operation, ii) the costs of retendering and operating the STCs over a period of 7 years, iii) the costs of tendering and operating education contracts in public sector YOIs for 5 years, iv) programme overheads. Since Q2 2014/15, the forecast whole life costs have reduced, following: 1.The decision by Youth Justice Board on 24 October to decommission accommodation in the youth secure estate – changing the scope of the STC competition from three sites to two sites, 2.The receipt of bids for YOI Education Provision and the award of contract on 15 December, updating previous assumptions, 3. Variances in the assumptions to the Secure College Pathfinder as we get closer to signing the contract for the build and to running the competition for an operator.
Sourcefile IPA_2015.csv

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