2015 Report details for project: 100,000 Genomes Project

Project name 100,000 Genomes Project - there are 5 reports for this project: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
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Organisation DOH (D12) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2015 (data is from September 2014)
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Description: The primary aim of this programme is to deliver the Prime Minister's commitment to sequence 100,000 whole human genome samples by December 2017. The government set out three key objectives for genomics in the next phase of its Strategy for UK Life Sciences published in December 2012 which can be categorised simply as health, wealth and growth: * to harness the potential of genomics technology by the NHS to improve patient outcomes and healthcare – health; * to maximise the opportunities for research and translation of research findings into health and economic benefits for the UK – health and wealth; * to support the growth of UK genomics and bioinformatics companies including SMEs by enabling the creation of genomic platforms for innovation – wealth and growth.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: The MPA RAG rating was Amber at Q2 2014. The MPA rating reflects the inherent risk in a project such as this but recommendations have been made to further assure the successful delivery of the ‘main phase’ of the programme which begins in 2015. Delivery partners are working together to refine the models that will be used for collecting data from the NHS Genomic Medicine Centres across the country. A cross-partner advisory group for communications has been established to ensure consistent messaging across the programme. A systematic method for learning and development is being devised and an event to explore the future benefits of genomics is planned for Q1 of 2015.
Start date 2013-04-10
End date 2017-12-31
Schedule text On schedule. Over 2000 pilot samples sequenced by December 2014
Baseline £50.00m
Forecast £19.20m
Variance -61.60%
Variance text: Currently the estimated spend in 2015/16 is forecast to be under budget with additional finances moved to later years of the project
Whole Life Cost £160.00m
WLCost text: The £160million WLC of the 100k genomics programme covers the government investment. Genomics England have also identified additional grants to fund the project and anticipate some income from commercial investment.
Notes1: Genomics Programme DOH NON CAPITAL
Sourcefile IPA_2015.csv

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