2015 Report details for project: Thames Estuary Programme Phase 1 (TEP1)

Project name Thames Estuary Programme Phase 1 (TEP1) - there are 2 reports for this project: 2014, 2015
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Organisation DEFRA (D7) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2015 (data is from September 2014)
Category Infrastructure - see all reports for this category
Description: The Environment Agency’s Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) Plan provides a strategy for protecting London and the Thames Estuary from tidal flooding to the year 2100 and beyond. This is work to maintain and improve the existing system of flood risk assets, including the Thames Barrier and associated gates and the 350km of walls and embankments. The cost of maintaining and improving these flood risk assets is justified by the high value of assets protected. Over 1.25million people live and work in the tidal flood plain and £200bn of property is at risk. Other assets at risk include four World Heritage sites, the centre of national government and the London Underground as well as other key sites of national and international importance. The TE2100 Plan sets out the Environment Agency’s short, medium and long-term programmes of investments and other recommended actions to manage tidal flood risk through to the end of this century and into the 22nd century. The Plan is based on a managed adaptive approach which ensures that the right investments are made at the right time allowing for adjustments to be made in timing of works on the actual impacts of sea level rise. The TE2100 Strategic Outline Programme, which describes the delivery of the programme through a number of phases, was approved by Defra and HMT in 2012. This report relates to the first package of works within the strategy – the Thames Estuary Phase 1 (now re-named Thames Estuary Asset Management 2100 Programme). The scope of this is a contract with a private sector partner to deliver a 10-year programme of the capital works, currently estimated to have a value of £310m, plus set-up costs of circa £5m.
DCA (RAG) Green
DCA text: The Green rating reflects considerable progress made on the project to conclude a successful procurement in advance of the original schedule and delivering savings for the taxpayer. The programme remains on track and is in the mobilisation phase.
Start date 2010-04-01
End date 2025-12-31
Schedule text The procurement has been completed earlier than planned. The project is on schedule to deliver by closure date.
Baseline £1.37m
Forecast £2.15m
Variance 56.90%
Variance text: The budget variance in 2014/15 resulted from bringing forward the procurement and contract award, enabling mobilisation and transition to full operation to start in 2014/15 instead of 2015/16.
Whole Life Cost £318.42m
WLCost text: The project is on track to deliver within original budget.
Sourcefile IPA_2015.csv

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