2015 Report details for project: CAP Delivery Programme

Project name CAP Delivery Programme - there are 5 reports for this project: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
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Organisation DEFRA (D7) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2015 (data is from September 2014)
Category Transformation - see all reports for this category
Description: The primary objective of the Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme (CAP D) is to procure a solution for the processing, payment and accounting of claims for funding from all schemes as part of CAP2013. Pillar 1 (Direct Payments and Market Measures) is administered by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) and Pillar 2 (Rural Development Programme) is delivered across RPA, Forestry Commission and Natural England. The secondary objectives are to develop and implement a strategy for the Legacy systems and schemes ensuring that scheme year 2013/14 can be completed properly and scheme year 2014/15 can be supported; to enable the satisfactory transition from current solutions during the 2014/15 scheme year; and to meet the remaining audit requirements. It will facilitate options for organisational change in the medium term for the Delivery Bodies that administer CAP schemes. The Programme will focus on (i) identifying the preferred solution for the future CAP schemes covering both Pillar 1 and Pillar 2; (ii) procuring the preferred solution in time for the implementation of the reformed CAP; and (iii) successfully managing transition for customers from existing schemes and delivering an improved customer experience aligned with HM Government digital strategy. The two key strategic drivers are (i) the need to improve the quality of services provided by Defra Delivery Bodies to their customers (also ensuring good value for money); and (ii) to operate new schemes which have emerged from CAP2013 reforms.
DCA (RAG) Amber/Red
DCA text: The Amber/Red rating reflects the inherent high level of risk due to the nature of this digital exemplar programme, coupled with a review of the programme delivery approach by the Senior Responsible Owner (in Summer 2014). A new SRO was appointed (October 2014) and additional senior and specialist resource from the Government Digital Service was brought in to enhance the application of the Agile delivery model used by the programme. The scope and timelines for deliverables were thoroughly reviewed to better align with business needs which mitigated some of the risk in delivery. However, at the beginning of 2015 the programme encountered significant challenges in delivering to time and quality some of the key IT functionality required for a fully Digital By Default service. Launch of the Pillar 1 Basic Payments Scheme (BPS) in April 2015 using the online portal mapping capability was considered too high risk and a contingency plan was invoked to allow customers to submit their BPS claims in 2015 through a number of other channels after registering on the online service. A similar approach is being developed for Pillar 2 Countryside Stewardship applications in 2015.
Start date 2011-01-01
End date 2016-12-01
Schedule text Contingency plan in operation.
Baseline £54.59m
Forecast £52.84m
Variance -3.20%
Variance text: Budget variance less than 5%
Whole Life Cost £154.79m
WLCost text: The Q2 2014/15 whole life cost of £154.79m reflects the cost approved in the Full Business Case in March 2014, a figure which was unchanged from the Outline Business Case approved in January 2013. Of this, £78m was capital to build the IT system. Since Q2 2014/15 emerging budget pressures are under review following the need to invoke the contingency plan and will be revised through an updated business case.
Sourcefile IPA_2015.csv

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