2014 Report details for project: CJS Efficiency Programme (CJS Efficiency)

Project name CJS Efficiency Programme (CJS Efficiency) - there are 4 reports for this project: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
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Organisation MOJ (D18) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2014 (data is from September 2013)
Category ICT - see all reports for this category
Description: The aim of the CJS Efficiency Programme is to introduce digital working throughout the CJS, in particular to deliver the ‘digital courtroom’. The current work will transform the operation of the criminal courts, with all parties able to work from digital devices and with evidence being presented to the court electronically; changes which will allow further streamlining of business processes. The digital court will enable a shift away from paper-based working so the system can operate digitally, where this is a more efficient process.
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: This Programme has an Amber rating. This reflects the uncertainty over the approach to the Crown Court solution and the outstanding decision on an interim solution. This has now been addressed and a revised business case is planned for submission to the March '14 Programme Board.
Start date 2013-04-30
End date 2016-12-31
Schedule text Programme on schedule.
Baseline £11.65m
Forecast £11.33m
Variance -2.75%
Variance text: Not applicable.
Whole Life Cost £102.85m
WLCost text: Whole Life costs represent the values included in the individual project approved Outline Business Cases with recurring costs until 2022/23. This is for the whole of the programme across all agencies and departments (HMCTS, CPS & MoJ). Costs include optimism bias at this stage (9%, 10%, 25% depending on expenditure type).
Notes1: CJS Efficiency Programme Phase 2
Sourcefile IPA_2014.csv

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