2013 Report details for project: Thameslink Programme

Project name Thameslink Programme - there are 9 reports for this project: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
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Organisation DFT (D9) - see all reports for this organisation
Report year 2013 (data is from September 2012)
Category Infrastructure - see all reports for this category
Description: The Thameslink programme will dramatically increase capacity and improve accessibility to, from and through the heart of London. By project close Thameslink will link Sussex, Kent and Surrey with Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire via 24 trains an hour in each direction through central London. The total capital value of the programme is c.£6bn, which is split between c.£4.5bn for infrastructure and c.£1.5bn for new rolling stock and depots. Major objectives of the scheme are to: a)Reduce overcrowding on current Thameslink and other commuter services; b) Provide for the introduction of new cross-London services, so improving public transport accessibility in south east England; c)Reduce the need for interchange between main-line and London Underground (LU) train services and therefore reduce overcrowding on LU; d) Improve the reliability of train services operating through the core route section between London Bridge/Elephant and Castle and St Pancras.
DCA (RAG) Amber/Green
DCA text: The Department has worked closely with delivery partners to resolve planning issues and all necessary consents have now been achieved. The Department reached agreement on commercial terms with Siemens and their equity partners (Cross London Trains) in December 2012 and is now working with lenders to the project to conclude bank credit committee approvals in the run up to contract award.
Start date 2005-07-01
End date 2018-12-01
Schedule text The project continues to aim for delivery of a 24 trains per hour service through the core section of the Thameslink route by December 2018, and is working to mitigate risks to the project from delays to the rolling stock contract award and changes to refranchising timetables.
Baseline £28.83m
Forecast £26.83m
Variance -6.93%
Variance text: Minor underspend forecast for the DfT programme budget in 2012/13 due to delay in finalising the rolling stock contract award
Whole Life Cost £5,638.26m
WLCost text: In December 2012 the Department reached agreement with Network Rail on the target cost for the second phase (KO2) infrastructure works which centre on the rebuilding of London Bridge Station. The overall cost for infrastructure remains within the baseline budget agreed in 2008.
Notes1: Thameslink
Sourcefile DFT_2013.csv

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