2013 Report details for project: Business Improvement Programme

Project name Business Improvement Programme - there is only one report for this project
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Report year 2013 (data is from September 2012)
Category Transformation - see all reports for this category
Description: To deliver cost savings and an improved business customer experience via a new business support delivery framework which is more focussed in its face to face delivery concentrating on areas of market failure and which is underpinned by improved web delivery for lower priority business needs.
DCA (RAG) Green
DCA text: Completed transition of BusinessLink website to gov.uk; achieved mentoring target (15,000 volunteer mentors recruited and trained and network up from 10,000 mentors at inception to 27,000; established Growth Accelerator's position in the market and 4,000 firms on programme as at end February 2013.
Start date 2010-01-08
End date None
Schedule text Planned programme end likely to be end April 2013 to accommodate a Gateway 5 Review (Benefits Realisation)
Baseline £50.10m
Forecast £50.10m
Variance 0.00%
Variance text:
Whole Life Cost £206.00m
WLCost text:
Sourcefile BIS_2013.csv

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