2013 Report details for project: Core Systems Replacement

Project name Core Systems Replacement - there is only one report for this project
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Report year 2013 (data is from September 2012)
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Description: The objectives of the programme respond to a number of challenges including the reforms introduced in the White Paper "Students at the Heart of the System". Over the next three years the SLC anticipates major increases in student numbers, loan values and volumes. The student experience at present is very poor, due to operational and technology issues including lack of availability of complete case information and the time delay between the issue of evidence by students to the completion of the application process at times of high demand. Due to the limited technology update over the last few years the current system needs replacement. A robust and agile customer-centred student finance system is required. Summary of Programme objectives • Introduce a modern, integrated and flexible IT system to enable the safe delivery of HE reform (including changes to borrowers’ repayment terms including variable interest rates). • Enhance customer service and operational efficiency. • Support the transformation of SLC’s business through introduction of a unified technology platform and the standardisation of processes. Expected benefits: • Improved customer experience: easier access to real time information, additional communication channels and a reduction in incomplete calls, etc; • Operational efficiencies: increased process automation, reducing avoidable contact and standardisation of workflows; • Strategic fit: alignment of the programme with Government ICT strategy as well as with the strategic direction taken by SLC. • Financial benefits to Government: ensuring HE reform-related savings, agreed as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review, are realised; potential for increasing the value of the loan book and an increase in the recovery of student debts; • ICT efficiencies: introduction of a unified business technology platform, the use of standard technology and the ability to use more agile development approaches
DCA (RAG) Amber
DCA text: Department actions to improve RAG rating: - Business engagement will be led by the CEO. - Procurement strategy will be revised to provide greater flexibility for other options. - Procurement strategy will be reviewed and approved. Endorsement will be sought from GDS, GPS, HEDA and BIS. - A risk analyst will be engaged to embed risk management framework. - Programme structure will be reviewed to ensure alignment with Company strategy and programme objectives. - The programme will communicate with the market to raise awareness and generate interest. - The governance and approval process of the programme will be streamlined to facilitate rapid and effective decision making.
Start date 2012-01-03
End date None
Schedule text The baseline date of end September 20113 for contract signature remains secure, however, intermediate milestones will come under increasing time pressure. To mitigate the risk of slippage to the September 2013 date and beyond, it is proposed to: - streamline the governance and approvals process to allow faster and more effective decisions. - recruit additional resources to support procurement work
Baseline £2.91m
Forecast £2.62m
Variance -9.97%
Variance text: Underspend in this financial year (FY 12-13) due to extension of procurement phase moving Technology and Market advisor costs into next financial year. (FY 13-14)
Whole Life Cost £131.91m
WLCost text: Total lifecycle costs expected to remain within OBC budget.
Sourcefile BIS_2013.csv

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