LA details for Isles of Scilly
Full name: | Council of the Isles of Scilly |
Country/Type: | England Type: Unitary |
In the news: | BBC, Guardian, Independent, Govt Computing GOV.UK (open in new windows) |
Pop / Area: | 2,203 (from 2011 census) Area: 16 sq km Density: 134 per sq km |
Codes: | SNAC: 00HF GSS: E06000053 ISO3166: |
Location: | Show on map (at 49.914385, -6.315250) |
LA website: | Council website |
LA spending: | Council spend page |
Spend loaded: | 2015/04 - 2024/03 |
Publishing freq: | Quarterly |
Political Control: | Independent (as at 1 March 2019) |
EU vote: | Remain |
May 2021 election: | All seats |
Wikipedia: | Wikipedia page - general info, political control & past election results |
ODCommunities: | OpenDataCommunities - area profile statistics, deprivation indices etc |
LGA VfM profiles: | LG Inform Value for Money profile - spend comparisons (replaced PSSA VFM profiles in Nov 2017) |
Register code: | Register - no data available yet for this LA |
COVID-19 reports from LGA LG-Inform for Isles of Scilly:
- COVID-19 hospital cases compared to region
- COVID-19 weekly deaths compared to region
- COVID-19 deaths in care homes compared to region
- COVID-19 and Additional Vulnerable Groups for this LA
Spend data: (NB this data will be removed in August 2022)
Top 100 Suppliers by value - please allow a few seconds for this to run
Spend query - complex search, charts and transaction details
Spend source data files - potential data anomalies now highlighted
Field totals - select by field type and date
Information and credits for data sources