Legal notice


AppGov assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any of the content on this website and makes no warranties in respect of its use. The content is provided for general information use only and AppGov does not accept any liability for inaccuracies, errors or omissions.

Data sources

Content on the website is primarily taken from publicly available sources and Freedom of Information requests. Acknowledgement of the source is made wherever feasible and no rights are claimed over this information.

In most cases the data is reused under the provisions of the Open Government Licence versions 1 or 2.

AppGov does not claim any official status or endorsement in its use of data from government or other public sources.

Links to Third Party websites

AppGov is not responsible for the content on any linked third party websites.


All trademarks and registered names are acknowledged to be owned by their respective organisations.

Governing Law

This legal notice is governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

Contact details

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