Welcome to AppGov at appgov.org
UK government data relating to spending & procurement:
- Central Government
- Local Government
- NHS - hardly any data available as yet
- Suppliers - development in progress
- GMPP projects - 2023 data is in progress
Elections May 2024:
Recent developments:
- Detailed spend data has been discontinued.
- New summary spend data will be available in the future.
Alternative views of UK government statements:
External website links usually open in a new window and no endorsement is implied.
Solidarity with Ukraine
Anniversary of the invasion: Led By Donkeys, BBC, NBCNews
Latest news: Al Jazeera, AP, BBC, DW, Guardian, United Nations
Sanctions: Reuters, OpenSanctions, UK Government, Wikipedia
War crimes: Amnesty, HRW, ICC, Truth Hounds, Wikipedia
Censorship: DW - Press Freedom Index, Snowflake, Tor
Donate: Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)
Petition: Avaaz campaign to put Putin on trial
Image credit: www.crossed-flag-pins.com